Jerod Beach
PreBid Date:
11:00 AM CST
PreBid Info:
A Pre-Bid Conference and walk-through is scheduled for 11:00 AM CST on March 12, 2024. All
interested Contractors are to meet at the front entrance of Maintenance Garage, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Nebraska Dept of Correctional Services
Bid Date:
2:00 PM CST
Bid Info:
Sealed bids will be received by Nathan Bornemeier, Engineering Administrator, in the Conference Room
"E", Department of Correctional Services, Bldg. 1 Folsom and West Prospector Place, Lincoln, Nebraska,
until: March 21, 2024 at 2:00 PM CST
Project Location:
Lincoln, NE
Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from A&D Technical Supply, (1822 N Street, Lincoln, NE. 68508, Phone 402-474-5454)
The complete digital set of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.
Printed sets of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $35.00 per set, paid to A&D Technical Supply.
If required, documents can be mailed UPS for an additional payment of $20.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.
Use the place order link in the top right to order bid documents.
Questions about obtaining bid documents should be directed to A&D Technical Supply at 402-474-5454 or