Brad Elshalaby
PreBid Date:
09:00 AM CST
PreBid Info:
The District will conduct mandatory pre-bid meetings and site tours for interested bidders at Minne Lusa Elementary School - 2728 Ida St, Omaha, NE 68112, at 9:00 AM CT and Spring Lake Elementary School - 4215 S 20th St, Omaha, NE 68107, at 10:00 AM CT on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2023 at 9:00 AM CT. Attendees must attend both site visits to be allowed to submit a bid. All attendees are required to sign-in at that time, and only the attendees of the pre-bid meetings will be allowed to submit a bid. Proposals received from bidders not attending the pre-bid meeting at both sites will be returned unopened.
Omaha Public Schools
Bid Date:
02:00 PM CST
Bid Info:
BIDS ARE DUE: Friday, December 15, 2023, 2:00 PM (CT)
Project Location:
Omaha, Nebraska
Public Notes:
The work called for in these Bid Documents includes the removal and replacement of two (2) cooling towers at two different OPS schools in Omaha. The cooling tower at Minne Lusa Elementary School (“Minne Lusa”) is located on the roof of the building and is planned to be replaced in kind and set on the existing steel supports. This cooling tower will include minimal new piping to make tower connections, a new epoxy coating of the existing steel supports, a new 400A electrical panel, and a new Variable Frequency Drive “VFD” for the tower. The cooling tower at Spring Lake Elementary School (“Spring Lake”) is located on the ground level within a precast and Concrete Masonry Units “CMU” enclosure. This tower will include new piping from the tower outside to the pump located within the mechanical room, a new steel support structure to raise the tower 4' above the ground level, a new domestic water fill line to the tower, and an extension of the existing enclosure wall for the cooling tower.
Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from the office of A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc., 4320 S. 89th Street, Omaha, NE 68127, (402) 592-4950.
A printed copy is available upon the receipt of a non-refundable fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. *A Builder's Card will NOT be accepted on this project.
Downloads containing a complete set of Bid Documents in PDF format are available upon receipt of a non-refundable fee in the amount of $20.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. Only complete sets of Bid Documents may be obtained.
If shipping of Bid Documents is required, there is a non-refundable fee in the amount of $35.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.
Bid Documents are available PURCHASE ONLY. Bid Documents do not need to be returned as no deposit refund will be issued.