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CDBG - Osceola Facade Rehab

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Contact:   Peter G. Franks AIA NCARB
PreBid Date:   11/02/2023 10:00 AM CST
PreBid Info:   A prebid conference for all bidders will be held on 2 November 2023 at 10:00 a.m., local time. Prospective bidders are requested to attend. The prebid conference will be convened at Osceola City Hall; 115 N Fillmore St, Osceola, IA 50213. An exterior walking tour of the participating subject properties will be included.

Company:   The Franks Design Group P.C.
Bid Date:   11/16/2023 02:00 PM CST
Bid Info:   Owner will receive sealed bids until 16 November 2023 at 2:00 p.m. local time at Osceola City Hall; 115 N Fillmore St, Osceola, IA 50213.

Project Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Public Notes:
The scope of work varies from building to building and the work will generally include historical treatment procedures, selective demolition, cast-in-place concrete, masonry repair and restoration, cement plastering (stucco), metal fabrications, miscellaneous and finish carpentry, building insulation, weather barriers, joint sealants, wood doors and frames, aluminum-framed entrances and storefronts, wood windows, historic wood window restoration, door hardware, glazing, gypsum board, exterior painting, interior painting, and other work as indicated in the Contract Documents.

The Work includes historic buildings being reviewed under Section 106 NHPA and HUD regulations for NEPA (24 CFR Part 58.5[b]). The Work will follow historic guidelines established by the Secretary of the Interior and Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from the office of A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc., 4320 S. 89th Street, Omaha, NE 68127, (402) 592-4950.

A printed copy is available upon receipt of a refundable deposit in the amount of $100.00 payable to City of Osceola *An OBE Non-Cash Builder's Card will be accepted in lieu of deposit check.

Electronic Downloads containing a full set of Bid Documents in PDF format are available at no charge per Iowa code.
Only complete sets of Bid Documents may be obtained - no partial set orders will be issued.

If shipping of Bid Documents is required, there is a non-refundable fee in the amount of $35.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.
If shipping of CD is required, there is a flat fee in the amount of $9.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.

Bid Documents MUST be returned, in good condition, within 14 calendar days from award of the project to obtain a deposit refund.
If Bid Documents are NOT returned within the time specified, the deposit check will be forfeited.
