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SCC - Roadway & Utility Package Loop Road Phase III - Lincoln

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Contact:   Lisa StLouis
PreBid Date:   10/06/2023 10:30 AM CST
PreBid Info:   A Pre-Bid Walk Through is scheduled for Friday, October 6, 2023 at 10:30 am CST, at 8800 O Street, Lincoln, NE 68520, Classroom U102. Enter main building through the south facing doors, next to the new coffee shop, stop at the information desk for further directions or an updated map of the building.

Company:   Southeast Community College
Bid Date:   10/13/2023 2:00 PM CST
Bid Info:   Proposals Due: 2:00 pm, CST, Friday, October 13, 2023

Project Location: Lincoln, NE

Public Notes:
The project will consist of 2,513 lineal feet of concrete paved road, including a roundabout, pavement removal, grading, new storm sewer infrastructure, 3,048 lineal feet of 8” water main, 429 lineal feet of 8” sanitary sewer, concrete parking lot, and erosion control. The future Welding Building construction is not part of the bid package. The 8” water and 8” sanitary sewer, and associated seeding shall be considered Phase I of the project, followed by Phase II grading, storm sewer, concrete paved road, parking lot, and remaining site grading and seeding.

Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from A&D Technical Supply, plans.adtechsupply.com (1822 N Street, Lincoln, NE. 68508, Phone 402-474-5454)

The complete digital set of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $25.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.

Printed sets of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $80.00 per set, paid to A&D Technical Supply.

If required, documents can be mailed UPS for an additional payment of $35.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.

Use the place order link in the top right to order bid documents.

Questions about obtaining bid documents should be directed to A&D Technical Supply at 402-474-5454 or planroom@ad4lincoln.com
