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NEARNG - CATS-M Sanitary Sewer Expansion Construction Project

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Contact:   Dane Simonsen
PreBid Date:   08/31/2023 10:00 AM CST
PreBid Info:   A Pre-Bid Meeting and Walk-Through will be held at Titan Readiness Center Classroom at 10:00 am on 8/31/2023. This Pre-Bid Meeting and Walk-Through is not mandatory for all Bidders.

Company:   JEO Consulting Group - Lincoln
Bid Date:   09/14/2023 1:30 PM CST
Bid Info:   Proposals must be submitted to the Construction & Facilities Management Office (CFMO), Nebraska Army National Guard, 2433 NW 24th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68524 before 1:30 pm on 9/14/2023 and then opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 pm

Project Location: Mead, NE

Public Notes:
Project to include the extension of sanitary utility lines (approx. 3820 LF) from the existing Readiness Centers to the planned area to the far eastern edge of the cantonment area of the training site. Project also to include the construction of lift stations as necessary move waste as well as the construction of a raw sewage lagoon large enough to support the current site and immediate construction project needs (approx 225,000 to 297,500 gallons) with a second equal lagoon (Not Included in this Contract) added to the system as future build-out demands require more storage. Existing Readiness Centers septic tanks are to be pumped, back filled and leach fields abandoned. Gray water lagoon facility is to be closed, have the liners removed and be back filled with compactable fill available from on-site borrow.

Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from A&D Technical Supply, plans.adtechsupply.com (1822 N Street, Lincoln, NE. 68508, Phone 402-474-5454)

The complete digital set of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.

Printed sets of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $40.00 per set, paid to A&D Technical Supply.

If required, documents can be mailed UPS for an additional payment of $20.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.

Use the place order link in the top right to order bid documents.

Questions about obtaining bid documents should be directed to A&D Technical Supply at 402-474-5454 or planroom@ad4lincoln.com

Questions or issues about the contents of the project should be directed to Mr. Keith Brocksmith (402) 309-8473
