Lisa StLouis
PreBid Date:
Not furnished
PreBid Info:
Southeast Community College
Bid Date:
2:00 PM CST
Bid Info:
Proposals Due: 2:00 pm, CST, Thursday, July 20, 2023
Project Location:
Lincoln, NE
Public Notes:
Project Description:
Comprised of twenty-three class/lab spaces, three open collaboration spaces, and three enhanced conference rooms, as well as a robust digital infrastructure architecture, the SCC Sandhills Technology Center is a dynamic learning environment where instructors and learners can leverage the latest advances in technology and modern pedagogies to further their understanding in the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.
Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from A&D Technical Supply, plans.adtechsupply.com (1822 N Street, Lincoln, NE. 68508, Phone 402-474-5454)
The complete digital set of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $20.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.