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Schuyler Community Schools Security Camera Project

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Contact:   Derek Aldridge
PreBid Date:   Not furnished
PreBid Info:  

Company:   Perry Law Firm
Bid Date:   06/23/2023 10:00 AM CST
Bid Info:   Bids are due on or before June 28, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. at the SCS Administration Office, 120 West 20th Street, Schuyler, Nebraska, and will be immediately and simultaneously opened in the presence of those attending. This project will be subject to federal Davis Bacon Act requirements.

Project Location:

Public Notes:
NOTICE is hereby given that Schuyler Community Schools (SCS) is soliciting bids for the purchase and installation of security cameras and related equipment at selected school facilities within the district.

Job Purchase Information:

The complete digital set of bid documents are available for a non-refundable fee of $15.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.