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Chadron State College - Rangeland Center Live Animals Facility Expansion

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Contact:   Garrett Peterson
PreBid Date:   03/21/2023 2:00 PM MST
PreBid Info:   A pre-bid meeting will be held at the site at 2:00 pm local standard time on Tuesday March 21. All bidders are encouraged to attend. Meet in the Rangeland Lobby.

Company:   BVH Architecture - Lincoln
Bid Date:   03/30/2023 3:00 PM MST
Bid Info:   Sealed bids for the project known as CSC Rangeland Center Live Animals Facility Expansion located at Chadron State College before 3:00 pm local standard time on Thursday March 30, 2023. At that time, Bids will be opened and read aloud.

Project Location: Chadron, NE

Public Notes:
Project Description: Chadron State College Rangeland Center Live Animals Facility Expansion project entails the expansion of an existing agricultural and animal arena facility built in 2013. The existing facility is a pre-manufactured metal building measuring approximately 260’ x 148’-8”. When constructed the structural frame was erected for the entire facility. The western portion of the building was completed but eastern portion of the facility was partially enclosed and left unfinished. This project will complete the enclosure and finishing of this eastern portion of the building, approximately 100’ x 148’-8”. Work will entail completing the wall system enclosure on the north and south façades, carefully removing and re-assembling the east existing wall and expanding the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems to the newly enclosed area. Work is anticipated to begin late spring of 2018 with completion in fall of 2018 for use by the college at the beginning of the spring semester of 2019.

Job Purchase Information:
Bidding documents may be obtained from Construction Industry Center 2771 Plant Street, Rapid City SD. Documents will be a charge of $65 plus tax and shipping for each set. Reach out to Construction Industry Center directly to order. (605) 343-5252

Construction Industry Center will ship bidding documents upon receipt of payment for shipping. Contact Construction Industry Center for information.

The complete digital set of bid documents are available from A&D Technical supply for a non-refundable fee of $15.00 paid to A&D Technical Supply.

Questions about obtaining bid documents should be directed to A&D Technical Supply at 402-474-5454 or planroom@ad4lincoln.com
