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Cryer Pool Gutter Repairs

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Contact:   John Williams Park Planner
PreBid Date:   02/08/2023 02:00 PM CST
PreBid Info:   Pre-Bid Meeting: A non-mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on February 8, 2023 at 2:00pm. The meeting location is Cryer Pool, 11783 Cryer Avenue, Omaha, NE.

Company:   City of Omaha Parks Recreation Dept.
Bid Date:   02/15/2023 11:00 AM CST
Bid Info:   Sealed bids to be addressed to Elizabeth Butler, City Clerk, LC-1, 1819 Farnam Street, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68183, marked BID ON: “City of Omaha CRYER POOL GUTTER REPAIRS”, must be in her office on or before 11:00 A.M. on: Wednesday, FEBRUARY 15, 2023 at which time the bids will be opened and read by the City Clerk before the Bid Opening Committee and the public in LC-4, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center.

Project Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Public Notes:
The work consists of installing TPO liner within the existing pool gutters. Refer to Appendix ‘A’ for detailed instructions.

Job Purchase Information:
Bid Documents may be obtained from the office of A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc., 4320 S. 89th Street, Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 592-4950 upon receipt of a non-refundable fee in the amount of $15.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc. *A Builder's Card will NOT be accepted in lieu of deposit check.

CD's and Downloads containing a full set of Bid Documents in PDF format are available upon receipt of a non-refundable fee in the amount of $15.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.
Only complete sets of Bid Documents may be obtained.

If shipping of Bid Documents is required, there is a non-refundable fee in the amount of $20.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.
If shipping of CD is required, there is a flat fee in the amount of $9.00 payable to A&D Technical Supply Co., Inc.

Bid Documents are available PURCHASE ONLY.
Do NOT return Bid Documents, as no deposit refund will be issued.
